Here at Bharti Vyas, one of the beauty treatments we offer is laser hair removal in Marylebone. Laser treatments are proving to be highly effective in permanently reducing face and body hair.

Laser Hair Removal Marylebone
Laser Hair Removal Marylebone

How does it work?

The laser senses the structure of the hair and uses its beams to target and disable the follicle’s functional activity. Fortunately, the laser does not interfere with the skin’s pigmentation and it works well on ingrown, strong hairs. This treatment is a gradual process but is highly effective, even fit for sensitive skin and hormonal balances. 

Our beauty team have a wealth of experience behind them, when dealing with reducing unwanted hair using laser and Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Marylebone, here are 5 things you should know before going for your first session.

1. Be Patient

Due to the large number of hairs on a body and its fragility, you may need up to 24 treatment sessions depending on the condition of your hair and health. Therefore, it’s important you know that your legs are probably not going to be silky smooth after your first session – In fact, it can take weeks to achieve! Keep regular with your appointments and allow each follicle to be zapped into the right stage, and most importantly, be patient!

2. “Laser” Isn’t What It Seems

Whilst hearing the words “laser” and “removal” can sound painful regarding a body treatment, laser hair removal isn’t as scary as you may think. The light of the laser damages and destroys the hair follicle, so the sensation is considered sharp yet quick. Either way, it’s nothing to be afraid of because most laser systems have cooling mechanisms (the cool air numbs the feeling slightly), which can help the feeling! Personally, we wouldn’t call it painful, more like a new sensation. It is important you have a test patch, so you can get all the information you need before embarking on a series of treatments.

3. Post Treatment

The heat stays within your body for 24 hours, so it is important you don’t participate in any activity that can raise your body temperature. This includes gym, hot showers, saunas, raves etc. If you do, you are creating a toasty and happy environment for bacteria to duplicate and produce spots, which isn’t ideal at all.

4. You Can Say Goodbye to Ingrown Hairs

Not only does Laser Hair Removal Marylebone provide you with permanent, hairless skin, but it also deals with those irritating ingrown hairs, too! Hair follicles are supposed to grow straight, but if there is a condition where a hair curls back or sideways, it can cause a minor infection. Luckily, the laser hair removal process encourages hairs to grow straight, preventing ingrown hairs from occurring.

Laser Hair Removal Marylebone
Hair Removal Treatment

5. Don’t Enter The Salon With Hairy Legs

Sure, the whole point of the process is to eliminate these hairs, but it’s not like a waxing session! On that note, make sure you’ve had a shave a day or two before, it’s probably the best thing you could do! This allows your hair follicle to grow back slightly and makes the process easier for the laser, so it’s not alarmed with thousands of long, strong hairs.

At Bharti Vyas, we offer a number of Laser and IPL treatments including Laser Hair Removal Marylebone. For more information or to discuss your methods, get in contact with us today!

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